St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934


Dear Church Family,

Last Sunday was the great Feast of The Ascension of the Lord and we reflected on the image in my favorite window of the Ascension of the east side of the church. We were able to challenge one another to, “Go forth and share the good news.” The theme word was simply “GO!” All week as I heard the message from the Scriptures last Sunday the word was for us to pray for the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our life. All this week I have been praying for you and myself that we will be more and more filled with the Lord’s Holy Spirit of joy, love, concern, praise, just every good quality that makes us a little bit more alive in our union with the Lord. We are on that journey.

The Feast of the Pentecost always challenges us to live our life as disciples more vibrantly, more spiritually and more in love with Jesus. So, we hear the Pentecost story in the Acts of the Apostles expressing miraculous vibrancies of tons of fire and a violent strong wind. The Apostles are then filled with the Holy Spirit to enthusiastically have the courage and strength to go out and spread the Good News. Usually the best selling point is when people are really alive and interested in something. That’s when they are on fire. We want to be on fire and the Good News just oozes on out of us as a wonderful way of living and loving. We pray that Jesus will breathe on us and we will receive His Holy Spirit all the more. Sometimes in some circles in our Catholic Faith and in other Christian Faiths, we call this aliveness being baptized in the Spirit. Certainly that is what we pray for, to be baptized in the Spirit, so that we become all the more enthusiastic about our faith and willing to witness by this enthusiasm. So, from now on as we begin the ordinary time of the Church year just go forth and live your Faith to the fullest. Alleluia!

Love, Fr. Bob

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