St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

You got to dig a little deeper

Pastor’s Pen
Sunday, February 12, 2023
St. Augustine Catholic Church



Dear Church Family,

The word of God today tells us to go deeper—to dig deeper into our minds and hearts, and souls so that we can follow Jesus all the more.  In other words, one of the most important things we can do for ourselves is ‘to know ourselves—to thine  own self be true.’  The scriptures give to us three points to focus on. In the Gospel we have the Old Law, Jesus says very clearly, ‘Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law but to fulfill the Law.”  He challenges us to do more.

In the book of Sirach, the wisdom is to be people who choose the better, higher road.  In fact, the word ‘choose’ is used three times.  if you choose you can keep the commandments and they will save you.  If you trust in God, you will live.’  So, the message of Sirach is to go deeper and try to do better.

I would like to emphasize three of the challenges that are in the Gospel.  One is Anger, the second is Lust, and the third is Reconciliation. I found this passage from a spiritual writer named John Shea.  I have read some of his books and even had him as a teacher for a few classes.  He gives some insights about these challenges. First, we should know how anger rises in us, comes to expression, and then subsides.  We should watch lust and note how it grips us and rushes us along paths we may not choose.   But finally, we should also come to understand how we try to shortcut to forgiveness, how we hesitate and sometimes completely stall when it comes to initiating reconciling conversations.

So, reflect on these three challenges in that Jesus wants us to go deeper in reconciliation and to let go of our anger and lust for worldly things.  So, church family, when you can do these things, you will notice a definite change in your relationship with Jesus and that we are always called to love and dig deeper into our souls. So often, the Word of God is the instrument that gives us the opportunity to do just this.

So, I leave with you the words of this song by our great gospel singer, Mahalia Jackson

You got to dig a little deeper
Find out who you are
You got to dig a little deeper
Nearer to Thee I want to be

I want to dig a little deeper in the store-house of his love, God’s love

Ooh, I want to shine with love sublime

I want to dig a little deeper in the store-house of God’s love


Oh Lord, I want to talk more like a Christian should

Walk more like my Jesus would

Oh Lord, I’ll just talk more like a Christian should

Walk more like my Jesus would

I gon’ dig a little deeper in the store-house of god’s love

I want to do what’s always true

I want to dig a little deeper in God’s love, his love, our love

Love, Father Bob

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