Pastor’s Pen
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Times
Brothers and Sisters,
In the First Reading and the Gospel, we see a similarity in the two speaking of widows who were exemplary and generous in life. Widows are women who have lost their husbands and therefore, have become a class of poor people in some societies. They are often forced into the responsibility and role of providing for their family. Here in these readings, we cannot but admire their generosity in a special way to give to others rather than to receive.
This widow of Zarephath responded to an offer of a cup of water to the Man of God, Elijah, as he requested, followed by another request for a piece of bread. The woman told him she had only a little quantity of flour and oil and she was gathering sticks to bake bread for her son and herself. After that, they would have nothing more to live on, and would then wait for death by starvation. The prophet insisted upon his request but promised her that the flour and oil would never go dry for another year. The woman believed him and provided for his needs. Miraculously, the flour and oil did not dry up! What a blessing and reward she received in the end by providing for the prophet the much needed water and bread.
Also, in the Gospel, it is the same story and admiration of a poor widow where offerings were being made into the treasury. Many rich people, the Gospel said, “made offerings from the overflow of their wealth, but a poor widow donated two small coins worth a few cents.” Jesus praised this widow before his Apostles saying, “while others contributed from their surplus wealth, the widow contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.” Can we do that?
Love, Fr. Chris
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