Pastor’s Pen
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Ascension of the Lord
Dear Church family,
In this time of renewal and beginning again our worship during the Pandemic Crisis, we come together with joy and hope as we celebrate the great feast of the Ascension. Our window on the east can certainly remind us, in graphic form, of some kind of ascension happening at the time Jesus went to Heaven. We celebrate His ascension and I am especially reminded of the hymn, “Go” and the words that say,
Go, Ye, therefore, and teach all nations, go, go, go.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, go, go, go.
Baptizing them in the name of the Father
And Son, and Holy Ghost.
Go, Go, Go!
If you love me, really love me, feed my sheep.
If you love me, really love me, feed my sheep.
And I’ll be with you forever and ever
Until the ends of the world,
Go, Go, Go!
We are now His ascended people on a mission to spread the Good News from now on. We do that in
our own ways of witnessing our own faith in its ascended glory. Our faith and our hope are that we are
seeking union with the Lord through prayer and worship, but also through the loving we do in our daily
lives of whomever, starting with our families, friends, and then everyone else. It is a feast of glory
today as we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus of which we are to follow. So, celebrate that as you hear
the mystery played out in physical form as we imagine from the Scriptures an image of Jesus
ascending. We are glad to follow. Alleluia!!
Love, Father Bob
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