St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

We are all the work of your hands

Pastor’s Pen
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dear Church Family,

Today is the beginning of our new church year where we are called to a closer walk with the Lord and we heard the prophet Isaiah say these words, “Oh, Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay and you are the potter.  We are all the work of your hands.”  So I am displaying a banner that I have had for over 45 years of my priesthood.  It is a real beautiful thought that I have to be called back to because I just don’t remember or feel it is important, but it is to be calling you Lord our Father and then it is good to say that we are the clay and you are the potter.  We are all the work of your hands.  The image is extraordinary because our God is in charge of everything and we turn our lives over to Him all the more as we begin the new church year. “ We are all the work of your hands, Lord. “  We know the image of a potter making a vase or bowl.  We can just feel with a spirit of deep prayer and a humble spirit that the Lord is truly in charge of our lives and we pray that we will be molded into a spirit of deeper union with the Lord.   Alleluia!

Love, Father Bob

P.S.  We will be giving  a report on our parish activities during this exceedingly difficult year.  But all in all, we are still here, going strong and prospering in our small way of outreach, evangelization, and prayer for the community, our country, and the world.   Father, please bless us in this new year with faith, hope, and charity for all your children.


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