St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

We are all ambassadors!

Pastor’s Pen
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church
Sunday, March 6, 2022
First Sunday of Lent

Dear Church Family,

I think for the 29th or 30th time, we are celebrating Lent again and I love the word “We” because I don’t do Lent by myself.  We are all ambassadors! I do it with you and we together try to make special efforts in prayer and in almsgiving and in fasting.  In some way just be aware of the great love the Lord has for you when you deny yourself a little food or something, especially on Ash Wednesday, which has now passed, but on Good Friday and every Friday.  Make it a special time not to eat any meat and just be aware – that’s what fasting is supposed to be – just be aware that you are making an effort.  Also, it reminds you that there are a lot of people in the world who don’t have the blessings that we have.  So, we will gather, and especially on Wednesday nights as our little community, in our church at 7 o’clock.  Just pray, pray that we can do a little extra effort during Lent.

I hear the word of God today, the temptations of Jesus and his victory over them and our temptation to just be the “same ole’, same old’”.   With a little bit of effort, we can really kick up our spiritual journey by being intense and being aware of our desire for that ultimate union with God.  We pray for God’s kingdom which is NOW, and His union which is with us already and we know that when we finally cross over, we have that total union and victory and we have done what we can with our desire for deeper faith.  So, you’re in the spirit if you make the effort during Lent and joining us and remember “We” as ambassadors try to do things together.  I’m used to saying, “Alleluia” but I have reserved that word for the coming Easter victory.  Praise God!

Love, Father Bob

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