Pastor’s Pen
Dear Church Family
It is already the second week of Lent and there is a positive message for us today. It is the story of the Transfiguration. Certainly, this story proclaims a glimpse of glory and a blessing that is blessed assurance for Jesus Himself. As we see something, we would call (Godly) that our Savior, besides His humanness, is also proclaimed His divinity.
So, I feel real good about journeying in my extra Lenten efforts, because I feel the church family is with me. So, it is easier to do these extra things. I might even call this atmosphere of “unity” of all of us being together in making our Lenten efforts together.
Our second reading from Paul’s letter to Timothy gives us a proclamation of blessing because Paul says, “Bare your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.” Our Lenten efforts maybe a hardship and that is good. The Lord will give us strength to persevere and God the Father will not only say to his Son Jesus “this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to Him” and now he will say to us in our Lenten hardships that we are His beloved son or daughter. Our God is well pleased with us. So, with this positive message of affirmation and hope we will continue on. Praise God!
Love Fr. Bob.
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