St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934


A word from—Fr. Chris

Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them and in like manner the fish.

Brothers and sisters, Sundays of Easter continue to recall to us the great event in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ – His resurrection which is a great article of our faith which we recite every Sunday and on the days of solemnity.

Along this line, the sacred Scripture also brings to us the great impact the resurrection of Christ brought in the life of the apostles which we call “The Acts of the Apostles” being what their life and actions were like, when they lived by themselves. The resurrection tremendously changed their life. Their dwindling faith was highly uplifted, even the doubting Thomas, when he saw, believed by the words “My Lord and my God”. They were full of overwhelming courage to preach Christ on the streets in spite of the warning from the Jewish authorities not to preach again in His name. Their reply was, “It is better to obey God than men”. Many were converted to the faith through their preaching and they bore great witness to the life and teaching of Christ.

The Sacred Scripture also narrated that the apostles worked many sign and wonders among the people through the power of the risen Christ. The sick and those disturbed by unclean spirits were all cured. Above all they lived a life of charity among themselves, caring for one another according to one’s needs. These and many more were the new life in them brought about by the resurrection event.

Now, what of us, the resurrection people? What things help us to become new people like the apostles? They are living the life and teaching of Christ by our baptism, the sacred words we read and hear on Sundays and other times, our songs of praise and the sacraments of the church we frequently receive, especially the Eucharist and other good works we do in the church. These and many more are the things that make us holy and pleasing to God and inspire us to greater heights as we live our Christian life.

Fr. Chris Adinuba


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