Dear Church Family,
Let’s do something different this week in our private spiritual prayer time. Just rest in a couple of words from the Gospel and see what reflections they give you. The first words are “our hearts burning” we all know as teenagers and even pre-teens that we have some favorite person in our lives that when we are with them it is an event we might feel our hearts burning. Now take that reflection of hearts burning when the Scriptures are read. Just try to imagine yourself praying for the desire to have your hearts burning as you read the Sacred Scriptures. Just a little at a time, the Psalms are one of the gospels to start off with. So, have that as a reflection.
The second reflection is “They recognized Him in the breaking of the bread” and we are aroused by the breaking of the bread every time we celebrate the Sacred Liturgy, the Holy Eucharist. Are we really, totally believing that the bread is the Lord’s Body and the wine is the Lord’s Blood? That’s always our questions when we want to have deeper belief. Once you recognize that then you believe.
Church Family, let’s all keep wishing each other Happy Easter! We celebrate Easter for 50 days whereas we celebrate Lent for 40 days. This is certainly the highest and most important Feast Day of the Church because without Resurrection we don’t have that new eternal life.
Finally, Church Family, I had an experience of just sitting down with a 95-year-old lady that was in very good health. She is sort of getting weaker with a little less energy these days. She was saying to her children, “I want to cross over to the Kingdom. I am tired of this life. I have done it I’ve been so blessed in this life and now it’s time for me to cross over into the Kingdom.” So, I am praying for that and her children wanted me to talk with her about her feelings about her wanting to cross over. I think it is alright to pray to cross over. However, the end result and bottom line is “I’m in your hands, Lord, and whatever You desire.” Certainly, we can feel our life dimmed enough to say, “Enough is enough”.
Church, with the recognizing of our hearts burning and recognizing the Lord in the breaking of the bread we are on our good spiritual high this week. Enjoy this a few days each week. Read the Pastor’s Pen over a few times to make sure that you are getting the idea because all of us want to just grow deeper and deeper in union with the Lord. Alleluia!
Love, Fr. Bob
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