Pastor’s Pen
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
A Word from Fr. Bob
Dear Church Family,
St. Paul tells us today that Christ loved each one of us so much. A good example for us to follow is the love of a husband for a wife and a wife for a husband. With that great romantic love, the love grows deeper as years go on. Our Lord loves each one of us as His church family, just totally and completely. The other night I had the privilege of witnessing an example of a couple that have really loved each other for over 70 years. They are George and Marie Killingsworth. It is sad that it is getting close to the crossing-over to the Eternal Kingdom for our dear Marie. We prayed and reminded her of how much we love her. I can remember about a year ago visiting them and she said, “Wow, do I love that man (George)!” They are a beautiful example of dedicated love for over 70 years. It is good for us to have those types of elders that help us to do what Joshua did with his church family, just as I do with our church family.
In fact, on our 25th Anniversary, I remember choosing the reading from Joshua. We sang the song of our total dedication as a church family to the Lord when we said, “As for me and my house hold, we will serve the Lord”. The Israelite people just knew how great their God was and all the good things He had done for them. So without hesitation they will serve the Lord for He is our God (therefore we also will serve the Lord for He is our God).
Finally, we see in the gospel a recommitment of Peter speaking for all the apostles when a certain amount of people after hearing all these messages, all these teachings by Jesus on how intimate He wanted to be with us intimate so deeply that He would share His very self with us and do it in a miraculous physical way that the bread becomes His body and the wine becomes His blood. We totally believe this is Jesus among us. I tell people that I offer daily Mass and that millions of Masses are offered each day. We are a praying, universal catholic church family. We pray each day that we we will continue to serve the Lord. Even though there are some people who just don’t care or think that’s too much, they can’t take on this great message that Jesus says to us, “The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life”. They weren’t spirit of life for many people. Jesus finally says to His followers that still remained, “Will you also go on?” and of course we know that Peter in one of his finest moments says, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”
Church family in honor of our 26th Anniversary under the patronage of Saint Augustine and his mother Saint Monica we are ready to continue on and feel so blessed. Alleluia!
Love, Fr. Bob
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