St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

The Lord is king, and we are robed in majesty

Pastor’s Pen    



Dear church family,

We continue to rest in the spirit of thanksgiving with the sacred word for the feast of our Lord and Savior as Christ the King.  All the Sundays of the church year culminate with this great Feast of Christ the King.  We know that the real crown is not a crown of kingliness but a crown of thorns where we enter into the spirit of Jesus giving His life fully for everyone.  Alleluia!

In the Word, especially from the gospel of John, we see Jesus being interrogated by Pilate. Pilate asked Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?”  Jesus tells him, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If it did, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.  It is to testify to the truth.”  Today, Church, we listen to our Lord’s voice telling us that the kingdom is now. We do “kingdom” love by our dedication, relationships, and outreach.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are very much a time of outreach.

As I write this pastor’s pen, I’ve just come back from a big outreach to 300 people.  Most of them have come to the gym building on Maffitt and Kingshighway with a simple invite to pick up a turkey.  First come, first serve. I was able, in your name, to greet each one, talk to them a little, sit them down and pray.  I did about eight short prayer services. You know Fr. Bob, he’s short on words, well maybe.  After the prayer service I hugged them again and the others gave them their basket as they went out the door.  The basket consisted of a turkey and a bag of trimmings to go with the turkey.  I feel very blessed in having the privilege to do this outreach.  Of course, we want to help everybody in our neighborhood and they are welcome to our outreach, regardless if it’s at our hall with the St. Vincent dePaul, warm meals, through our rectory or St. Augustine Wellston.  Alleluia!

As I said last week in the Pastor’s Pen, this is an opportunity for you to think of various families and individuals that could use a little extra gift.  I invite all parishioners to take this opportunity to share the spirit of Christmas with others in need.  Certificates for baskets will be available today, Sunday, November 25 and December 2 after Masses.  Baskets must be picked up on December 9 at Covenant House, 1-3pm at Maffit/Kingshighway.  Please limit yourself to no more than five certificates.  Please bring the name and address of those receiving baskets when you get a certificate. So, carry on in that spirit and let the kingdom of God become present right now.  The words from Psalm 93, “The Lord is king; and he is robed in majesty”.  Maybe it’s also proclaimed if we carry on the spirit of recognizing the kingdom now. Later we can say, “the Lord is king, and we are robed in majesty.”  We are doing what our king wants us to do, love and reach out.  Alleluia!


Love, Fr. Bob


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