St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

The Good Shepherd

Dear Family of Saint Augustine,

It is Good Shepherd Sunday.  It is one of my favorite images of Jesus who just does His job with ordinary people, extraordinarily well like you who have been a parent or a grandparent, maybe a teacher or nurse or a counselor whatever you have done in your life.  You also are a Good Shepherd and you have done it well!  Now we see Jesus again as this image of really doing the ordinary, extraordinarily well.

I have the privilege of seeing this image every Sunday as I have told you before, as I pray with you and look out on the congregation. I also have another privilege that you don’t have, maybe except for the choir and the people that sit in the section to my right.  They can look out with me at the mural of the Good Shepherd in the choir loft.  Every Sunday my eyes go to that image and it is Jesus totally caring for us.  I am called, and you are called also and whatever your role in life has been, is now, and will be, it is to be Good Shepherds.  We are already that and just moving towards an enrichment.

Enjoy this role that you have and know that the Lord is calling you to do whatever you can to take care of those in your care.  Reach out and let many more be in your care.  Especially put your arms around younger people in the family.  Nurture them into our church family if there is any way that you can and bring them with you.  What a challenge that is.  We need to keep growing as God’s family.

Once again thank you for your participation in the letter that was sent.  As I celebrate with you all the years of enrichment that has occurred in this church family and that we will continue to be enriched as we celebrate the sacred mysteries Sunday after Sunday and year after year.  Alleluia!


Love, Fr. Bob

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