St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

The Epiphany of the Lord

Pastor’s Pen
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Sunday, January 8, 2023
The Epiphany of the Lord

Dear Church Family,

I want us to think today about the great moment for the Magi,  when their eyes were opened in seeing ‘’the newborn son of God”.

The Holy Spirit led them by way of the star and by His presence within them. They were led to a small town and a small home to find the new King of the Jews. There they found a poor family with a baby. Jesus was not surrounded by finery and wealth and servants, but by a simple swaddling cloth and loving parents. The Holy Spirit filled the Magi with an intense goodness and knowledge of the importance of the moment and the child. They gave many gifts of value to this little family. They were overwhelmed by Grace and through that Grace were led to understand the divinity before them. Some would call it an “aha” moment.

I would like to relate this to our present world where so many do not know God or if they are aware of God through society do not follow Him. When the Magi followed the star that led them to baby Jesus the Holy Spirit must have given them that “aha” moment.

We, here today, have that knowledge through the tremendous gift of faith. Faith is God’s gift through the Holy Spirit. We are called to use that gift for the benefit of others. In a parable in the Gospel of St. Luke, Ch. 12, v.48 it is said, “He to whom much has been given, much will be expected”. I know that each of us have within our families and friends those who have avoided knowing God and Jesus. We love them and want God’s Kingdom for them. We lead through example and occasional prodding, but we are called to do more. That more to which we are called is prayer. I know that many of us pray for specific people in our lives. But we are called to pray for all who do not believe. Our prayers when given direction, generate grace. Grace can be like a sledgehammer in breaking down walls of resistance. Remember St. Monica prayed for St. Augustine for 30 years. It seems like an insurmountable wall. Prayer and Grace with the power of the Holy Spirit can do many wonderful things. A friend told me this week about how in the European Union it is now against the law to use the word pedophile and claims it is natural for adults to be attracted to children. This is just one example of how the devil is making great inroads in society to lead us into great sin.

We have 2 great weapons in this war. Those weapons are the Rosary and The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We must understand that we are God’s soldiers in the war against evil. A Nigerian Bishop when praying about how to stop the assaults and killing of his people, was given a vision of Jesus. Jesus in answer to his prayer handed him a sword. As the bishop received the sword it became a rosary.

Jesus when he appeared to St. Faustina gave her the prayer of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and said it was especially for the end times. Try to put Jesus first in our lives. Put down the TV remote and our cell phones and our long winded phone calls and give ourselves to focusing on God and our relation to Him. Let us all try to Pray the Rosary at least once a day and a Chaplet at 3 p.m. If we can say an extra rosary, even better. Let us also try to get other family members into praying with us. God’s love for us and His answer to our prayers will grow exponentially. Let us be like the Magi and lead many to know of “The Newborn King”.


Deacon Ed

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