St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Thank God in 2023

Pastor’s Pen
January 1, 2023
Thanks for God & Mary in 2023
St. Augustine Catholic Church


Dear Church Family,

A Joyous New Year to each of you! It’s time to “ponder” concerning all the main and significant events in your life during the past year. We should “ponder” the significance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Think over, reflect, and toss around in your mind all the wonderful blessings you have received from your relationship with Jesus. We should especially thank Him for giving us His mother also to pray, intercede, and bless us in all we do.

I sat and held the cross the other night for quite some time and just “pondered” on the way Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior. I was doing good for the first couple of minutes, but then, I got distracted! I drifted and even fell asleep, but then I went back to reflect on all the specialness of my relationship with Jesus and His love for you and me.

Church Family, at every mass I have tried to give you all the freedom to reflect emotionally on what happens to your soul during the masses throughout the years. We can recall the various churches we have been associated with, especially some outstanding event or person in our lives. We rejoice in the joy and hope of Christmas, the attitude of Jesus or our God actually becoming one of us. All of this helps us to have a deep, loving relationship with our Lord Jesus.

So, that’s the challenge for us to begin the New Year. Take our spiritual mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary with you in prayer as you reflect on the deep wonderful, loving relationship you have with Jesus. The more it comes alive, the more you are required to give of yourself in loving the many different ways you already do.

Happy Kwanzaa! Reflect and enjoy your Afrocentric Culture and all of God’s blessings to you and those you love. Alleluia!!

Father Bob

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