St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Take the time

Pastor’s Pen                 

A Word from Fr. Bob


Dear Church Family,


Today’s Pastor’s Pen is a little different than normal.  I am going to suggest some themes on which you can reflect on during the week.  Maybe you can do one each day.  Let’s start off with the “Good Shepherd”, the Lord, whom we follow.  Let’s just mediate on Psalm 23, which is usually most people’s favorite psalm because it says so much.  Figure out what the Lord is saying in this great psalm.  Which says, “Truly goodness and kindness shall follow me for the rest of my life.”  Another theme is that “we are sheep”.  We are responsible sheep not just to be led aimlessly but to be aware that we are called to really follow the shepherd and live a life of love and concern for others.  We should take our responsibilities not just as mere sheep but to each of us very importantly.  Thirdly, I would just like to say as in Saint Paul’s letter, the word “access” is that we have both access in one Spirit to the Father and our God is always with us.  We can always turn to Him and have an easy access to the Father.  A fourth theme would be “Come away by yourself to a deserted place and rest a while.”  Emphasis on “rest a while.”

This is vacation time.  Hopefully you are slowing down a little and maybe enjoying prayer time where you are.  Just resting in the Lord and not having to think a lot of thoughts.  Just giving yourself to the Lord in ordinary ways.  So, reflect on that.  Those are some themes that we can use in our daily prayer. Enjoy them and use a different one each day or use the same one.  Maybe it is good to kind of think to yourself this question.  “Do I have a regular time to talk to the Lord about the Sacred Word, especially what’s presented in the Sunday Gospel, daily readings or the Sacred Word that is in our bulletin that we can pull up?”  It demands of us to intentionally turn our prayer thoughts over to the Lord as we sit down and reflect on the Gospel for the day, other readings of the day or the Sunday readings coming up.  It is a good way to live a deeper union with the Lord.  Alleluia!


Love, Fr. Bob


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