St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Tag Archives | September

You are trustworthy, not only in small things but in big things

Pastor’s Pen Sunday, September 18, 2022 Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Augustine’s Catholic Church Dear Church Family, In today’s first reading, We hear the Prophet Amos condemning the people for trampling upon the needy and destroying the poor of the land, by fixing their scales for cheating and buying the lowly for silver and […]

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The Lord is truly your friend who you can talk with

Pastor’s Pen Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Times St. Augustine Catholic Church   Dear Church Family, Today your pastor just wants to give you a couple of reflections. The first reflection, the book of Exodus gives a beautiful feeling of Moses’ intimacy with the Lord and how he can “talk turkey” and […]

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Focus on God!!

Pastor’s Pen Sunday, September 4, 2022 St. Augustine’s Catholic Church     Dear Church Family, Our Gospel this weekend from St. Luke shows Jesus trying to get our attention. He makes a very bold statement. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, […]

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Be strong, fear not! Here is your God and He comes to save you

Pastor’s Pen St. Augustine Catholic Church Sunday, September 5, 2021 Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Times Dear Church Family, Notice the strong affection that the Lord has for everybody, especially putting on a pedestal the really broken people in life, the real poor.  The profit Isaiah is proclaimed to say very strongly “Be strong, fear not! […]

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Not seven times but seventy-seven times

Pastor’s Pen St. Augustine Catholic Church Sunday, September 13, 2020   Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Times My Brothers and Sisters, In the African parlance before Christianity came, the slogan about forgiveness is limited to three times. In the Jewish milieu, it was seven times and no more. But in our Christian era, Christ has taught […]

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Love is the fulfillment of the Law

Pastor’s Pen Sunday, September 6, 2020   Dear Church, It is all about “love” and that’s what we should do all of our lives, is to love one another.  We have good directions proclaimed in all of our readings, especially in the second reading from Paul’s Letter to the Romans.  He says, “owe nothing to […]

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