St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Tag Archives | 2019

It is so good to have family life

Pastor’s Pen Dear Church family, I like to call you my family because I share intimacies about my relationship with you and it is good that we support one another.  It’s all about building family life in this Word of God, the Feast of the Holy Family.  We ask the Holy Family to intercede for […]

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Emmanuel-God is with us

My Dear Church Family, Celebration of thought from Father Bob as we enter the fourth Sunday of Advent prayer….. Even as we enter the busyness and the sharing of the Christmas baskets, which by the way went very nicely. We had the most difficult weather conditions that I can remember. With the help of our […]

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Deacon’s Corner   JESUS IS COMING Our scriptures today can be perceived to be ominous.  They are warnings about the end times. As the Boy Scouts have always said, “Be Prepared”.  Spiritually we say, “Be Prayed Up.” If you are reading this, I know that you are.  One of the challenges of scripture is finding […]

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Searching for Souls

Pastor’s Pen My Dear Church Family, To all of our companions with me  on the journey of union with the Lord.  All of us are seeking heaven.  I just got back from my annual retreat and so I am filled with the spirit of joy that it was a retreat that challenges me to grow […]

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That’s It!!

Pastor’s Pen   Dear Church, Expression-two words:  That’s It! That’s It! That’s it! Once you hear those words you know that you have come to a conclusion and you feel a new enlightenment—Alleluia!!  That’s It! Is that all scripture is inspired by God, and that scripture is capable to giving you wisdom for salvation and […]

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Lord, take over, please

Pastor’s Pen   Church Family, The Lord has spoken to us in very powerful language this Sunday.  The book of Wisdom also tells us that we must put God first in our lives and let go of all that is not of the Lord.  We hear also in the second reading of Paul’s letter to […]

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