Dear Church Family, The Gospel has the leper coming to Jesus and Jesus is filled with compassion. I emphasis that word compassion because our God is so merciful and so loving. Here I am coming back from a wonderful vacation with family, friends and priest buddies. It is just so good that I am […]
Tag Archives | 2018
Deacon’s Corner WHERE IS GOD WHEN I NEED HIM? Our Old Testament reading from the book of Job is all about Job bemoaning his life. The last line of this scripture sys, “I shall not see happiness again.” He is in despair. Many of us can relate to this. We are often upset about […]
Closer to God
A word from Deacon Ed Our scriptures for today and the next 2 1/2 weeks recount Jesus’ Authority and the beginning of His public ministry. In today’s Gospel He comes to Capernaum and teaches in the temple and even drives out an unclean spirit in a man in the temple. We are being prepared […]
Speak Lord, your servant is listening
A word from Deacon Ed What a great joy it is to know that we are all being called to share in God’s Kingdom. In our scripture today, from the book of Samuel, Samuel is called by God. Samuel being confused, believes that he is being called by Eli. Three times he is called […]
Rejoice because we are loved by the only love that matters.
A word from Deacon Ed What a great joy it is to know that we are all being called to share in God’s Kingdom. In our scripture today, from the book of Samuel, Samuel is called by God. Samuel being confused, believes that he is being called by Eli. Three times he is called from […]