Dear Church, The whole of existence is alive as never before because out of the graciousness and love of God the Father, His only begotten Son has been born to save us from our sins. The universe rejoices. BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD. In our first reading from the Prophet Isaiah, he proclaims, “Those who […]
Tag Archives | 2016
I don’t just wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish that Jesus is central in your life…
Dear Church Family, Emmanuel means the Lord is with us. This is a Sacred Word in our readings today. It again reminds us of the atmosphere we created in this church and in our spiritual journeys. The Lord is near all the more! Enjoy that God is not only with us but He dwells within […]
All this is what we are about; joy and gladness will meet and sorrow and mourning will flee
Dear Church Family, Wow! It is almost unbelievable that it is already Gaudette—a rejoice Sunday. We proclaim that by wearing pink or rose. There are so many words present in the scriptures today that have to do with rejoicing. It is also a positive thing of God’s glorious coming. Listen to Isaiah very carefully as […]
“Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight: (Matthew 3:3)
“Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight: (Matthew 3:3) There is no doubt that if the President of our country or Governor of our State is visiting our area, the county or community would do all in its power to repair broken areas of the roads and put a new face […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, Church Family it is time to begin again. We begin with watching and waiting. We start together with the Unity Mass bringing us together so that we journey together. In the Advent time the first word for us all is “stay awake, be prepared, the Lord is coming”. What we want to do more […]
Dear church family, As you know your pastor likes to ride a bike. I especially like hills when I can coast down them. Coasting has been a theme of my prayer life for the last month, since my retreat of just totaling enjoying my journey and union with the Lord. It is a good way […]
There will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays
Well church, I write this right after I heard about the election results. As somebody said, “It is what it is!” We have hopes that it will be a good government and things will be good for us and the whole country and world. We have to run with the horses we got. Let us […]
I am celebrating my spiritual life this year or my spiritual journey
Dear Church Family, As I begin my 78th birthday, my 79th year of living in the Lord, I am encouraged to respond to the people that I meet when they ask me, “How you are doing?” I am going to tell them, “I am celebrating my spiritual life this year or my spiritual journey.” Today, […]
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling…
“Work out your salvation with fear and trembling….” (Philippians 2:12) God created us without our permission but he cannot save us without our cooperation. The story of biblical Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector and a wealthy man, is one who climbed a sycamore tree because of his short stature so he could see Jesus […]
Dear Church Family, In East India there is a custom of a special greeting that says, “The God in me greets the God in you”. To me this is a very humble way of opening yourself up to be at one with whomever comes into your life. You know there are certain people that have […]