St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Stay awake, be prepared, the Lord is coming

Dear Church Family,

It is time to begin again.  We begin with watching and waiting.  We start together with the Unity Mass bringing us together so that we journey together.

In Advent time, the first word for us all is “Stay awake, be prepared, the Lord is coming.”  What we want to do more and more is put on the Lord Jesus Christ through faith.  Somebody said, “Faith is a liberation from preoccupation with self.”  It is a liberation that sets us free to respond to the Father, to speak the Yes of Love that sets us free to say Yes.  Faith is breaking out of the isolation that is the malady of the eye.  Faith is the breaking open of the door of subjectivity.  That is what our former Pope Benedict proclaimed.  As it says in Isiah, “Come, let us climb the Lord’s mountain, that He may instruct us in His ways.  May we walk in his paths.”  Let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Advent time my dear Church Family is a wonderful time to wake up, stay alert, and be prepared in the things that really matter.  A somber color of purple might indicate doing some penance but might also slow us down in this very busy time.  Just enjoy the wonderful presence of the Lord as we seek insights as we climb the mountain.  As we climb it, we have an attitude, as it says in the scripture, “that we will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks.  One nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again”.  Isiah proclaims again, “Oh house of Jacob (that is us) come let us walk in the house of the Lord”.  The theme of life, coming, being awake and putting off any kind of works of darkness and putting on the Lord Jesus is our call today.  Come, Lord Jesus, Alleluia!

Fr. Bob


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