St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

St. Augustine

Pastor’s Pen
Sunday, August 28, 2022
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church

Dear Joyous Church Family,

Last week your pastor got so excited about our feast day that he wrote the following pastor’s pen. So, I am glad to share these words with you again because I feel that it gives us a special view of our patron saint, St. Augustine, as a humble person, the type of person we would like to be.  So, you lucky people of God, enjoy these words again.

Here we are coming to the end of our 30th anniversary in having special masses of St. Augustine as our patron. As you probably know, one of my favorite words of scripture and prayer is “Alleluia!”  I even have it on my car and on my back window. We try to follow one of the special charisms of St. Augustine and that is his humility as he says more importantly than anything else, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”  Humbly we need you Lord, and we see that in the sacred scripture today from the book of Sirach, wisdom literature from the first century, A. D., where it says,” My child, conduct yourself with humility, humble yourself and you will find favor with God.” Again, Alleluia!!

I think through the years of the icon of St. Augustine above the high altar, a picture of St. Augustine with the words in his hands, ‘I am restless until I rest in you.’ His humility shows forth which seems to be the theme of our gospel of going around in a humble way, not looking for acknowledgement and honor or you will fumble, bumble stumble, tumble, and crumble. We see Augustine with his miter, books, and other items of authority where he wrote more than any church father in the history of the church. He just wrote, wrote, wrote. Also, at the same time and in his humbleness, he put together a book called the “Confessions of St. Augustine” about his past wayward ways and with the help of his mother, Monica who just prayed, prayed, prayed for him as we pray for our children so often. So, we have this wonderful spirit of Augustine as our patron and role model, so enjoy that and our feast day celebration today. Alleluia!!

Love, Fr. Bob

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