St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Sacrament of Reconciliation of Confession

  Pastor’s Pen

Homily: Create a Clean heart in me, O God (Ps 51)


A Word from Fr. Chris


Every year as the great feast of Easter approaches it’s always in our parish program, as we had it last week, for the priests to administer the anointing with holy oil to the faithful members of our parish, praying to God for their physical healing from illness and other ailments of the body.  Most of us took part in it.

Today it’s the administration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation of Confession by the priests to our same parishioners for the cleansing of our soul that has been made unclean by sin or other imperfections so as to restores us to grace.  We know that our God is so loving and deserves all our love and will want us to enter deeply into the mystery of our redemption in Christ.  This is what Easter Duty means as enshrined in the Six Commandments of the Church that calls us to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion at Easter time.

The responsorial psalm of the Mass therefore calls us to ask God to clean our hearts through this Sacrament of mercy and compassion for in it God’s forgiveness has no end.  So let us go.


Fr. Chris


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