Pastor’s Pen
A Word from Fr. Bob
Dear Church Family,
Alleluia! Along with that word, Ah-h-h! It is good during Easter time to notice anybody feeling Resurrection moments. Those are moments where they feel good about their love in relations and they feel good about loving the Lord. That’s you and that’s me. Today we see a beautiful example where Peter is all excited with the other apostles about proclaiming the Good News in the Acts of the Apostles. Just notice the excitement he has! They are not going to stop preaching the Good News because the Holy Spirit is within them. Then you see in the Gospel, Peter, when he finds out that it is the Lord instead of just rowing that boat quick to shore, he just jumps in! Which is the reason for him being so excited and maybe he’s the one who counted the fish and got 153. Which is another little symbol of excitement. Then he is reminded of really loving the Lord all the way, so this he is doing. Which is what he is doing.
In your Living Faith booklet, I found “Removing the Veil” is a good theme for us this week because we are into Easter joy and noticing people who are alive in their faith. There is the story of this little girl, maybe about 4 years old, maybe one of your grandchildren. She came to church and noticed the priest, maybe me or Father Chris. She says to her grandfather, “Which one of them is God?” There’s really a neat thing in seeing God in any one of them, but really what we are trying to do is remove the veil from our thinking and acting and seeing God all the more in everyone. We do thank the Lord that we have our loving relationships and that there are others that we really feel God is in. But extending the act of removing the veil because Revelation says, “then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea and everything in the universe cry out.” So, what I challenge you today with this message in the Living Faith is that we have a revelation to remove the veil and see and see and see and then pray a prayer, “Revealing God, take away the veil that prevents me from seeing your presence in everyone I meet today!” That’s a good way to go each day.
Father Bob
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