Pastor’s Pen
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Third Sunday of Lent
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Dear Church Family,
It is the third week of Lent already. Next week, we will celebrate ‘Gaudete Sunday’ which is “REJOICE” Sunday that Lent is half over. So, keep working on your special efforts. I heard the Word of God strongly proclaimed in the gospel about repenting – turning things around. You have been given so many blessings so make sure that you are abundantly using them to turn things around. Don’t be afraid – Just Do It!
There is a kind of message here about the God of Second Chances that if you mess up the first time, you get another chance to do it again and get it right that time. The gardener, like the Lord Himself, may hoe around the plant, fertilize it, and give it plenty of water and sunlight. Then if the fig tree doesn’t do anything and produce fruit, that’s okay, because God is always merciful toward us.
All of this attitude can be enjoyed at one of my favorite images in my own personal spiritual life, the image of the Burning Bush. The Burning Bush is on Holy Ground. Somewhere there is a place that we can go to and find our own holy ground. This is your own prayer space, perhaps your altar at home. It may be someplace you like to go, like the cemetery where your loved ones are buried or a quiet place in the park or out in the country. But for me, holy ground is often the times I get to go down to Pevely, MO where there’s a place to retreat and pray alone. I consider that to be holy ground for me. So, sisters and brothers, find your own holy ground and stay in it. Maybe that will all the more bring you alive in accomplishing your Lenten resolutions. Keep it up and God bless your efforts. Continue to pray for one another’s efforts, too, as I will continue to pray for each of you. Again. Praise God and Just Do It!
Love, Father Bob
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