A word from Deacon Ed
What a great joy it is to know that we are all being called to share in God’s Kingdom. In our scripture today, from the book of Samuel, Samuel is called by God. Samuel being confused, believes that he is being called by Eli. Three times he is called from sleep. Finally, Eli, tired of being awakened by Samuel says, “Go to sleep and if it happens again, say, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening”. By reading these words, praying and coming to Mass we know that we are being called. We are called by the gift of Faith.
In the readings of Isaiah 43, God says, “I have called you by name, and you are mine.” Rejoice because we are loved by the only love that matters.
In our Gospel reading, John the Baptist tells his disciples as Jesus walks by, “Behold the Lamb of God.” His disciples know by John’s words that this is the Messiah and they follow Him.
We are all called to follow and be His disciples and live His love and His teachings through our lives.
We are going through perilous times with weather, politics, international unrest, and great sinfulness. We are called to be lights which shine in the darkness. But we must pray strongly for God’s grace to pour out upon the world. Pray for our brothers and sisters who have turned from the gift of Faith. Pray for an awakening of all mankind to the gift of the Messiah. Pray for peace, holiness and purity. Pray that all of mankind may know and respond to the love of God. And pray that we may all respond; “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
Deacon Ed
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