St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

To you Church Family members, to all of your families and friends, may you have a spirit filled Holy Week.  We start today with the waving of the palms, giving praise and honor to God.  With proclamation of the Passion we will start meditating on what our Lord has done for us.  He sacrificed His entire life for us.

This afternoon from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm you are all welcome to come for the Seder Supper.  This celebrates the Paschal meal when Jesus takes the third cup and institutes the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  At this ceremony, He changes the bread into His body and the wine into His blood.  He tells us eat and drink in remembrance of Him.  In all my life and probably a good part of your life, you have celebrated the Holy Mass.  I am always refreshed in the sacred Mass.  As I write this, I feel so blessed.  The Mass has been a central part of God loving me, just as my parents and family loved me so Jesus totally loved me by sharing Himself with us.

Again, on Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, we will pray as usual and welcome this sacred ceremony.  Especially, try to be present on Holy Thursday and Good Friday at 7:00 pm and Holy Saturday at 8:00 pm.  I go to the Cathedral on Thursday morning and recommit myself as a priest and serving the people.  Praise God I will go this year for the fifty-third time.  So, Holy Thursday is very special to me. On Thursday evening, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and our commission to serve.

Good Friday we will walk around the neighborhood from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm.  If you are available, come and take this walk and pray the Stations of the Cross and see Jesus presence in the community.  You will see Him in the hurts of the community, but you will also see His blessings.

Holy Saturday we will celebrate the introduction of people to be confirmed and making first communion.  On glorious Easter Sunday with victory in our feelings and soul, we will know that the Lord is risen and all is well.  As we taste the bitterness of crossing over we will also taste the joy of being totally with the Lord.

Enjoy this Holy Week as I hope to.  Walk with me and your Church Family as much as you can.  Especially at 7:00 pm Wednesday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday and 8:00 pm on Saturday as we light the new fire.  We will let the Lord pierce the darkness with a new Paschal candle. Amen


Love, Fr. Bob


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