Pastor’s Pen
Church Family,
80 years! What a blessing! I feel so grateful! You know when Fr. Bob is happy, or some joyful event happens, he likes to say, “Alleluia, praise God”. My brother, Fr. Chris with his African background, when something happy and joyful happens he likes to say, “Yike”. Today I feel like saying many, many “Yikes”, many, many “Alleluia’s” and many, many “Praise and Thank You Lord. You have been so good to me.” All is gifted! I am so blessed, and I feel blessed and I want to act blessed. When you act blessed you want to love other people as much as you possibly can. You turn your daily life into a prayer of praise and thanksgiving. What a way to be at 80 years old! So, with you and with Fr. Chris we all say Alleluia or Yike, with emphasis. That’s my feeling today as I humbly come to pray. That’s what it is all about, giving praise and thanks to our wonderful God.
On this day in the sacred Word, God challenges us all the more to love. Love God totally and love everyone else, all in the same breath. Do as much as you can for other people because that is what true worship is, giving that type of love with your whole mind, heart and soul. We will be all the better because that is what we are called to do. So today Church, you hear the basic commandment, Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, whole mind, your whole soul, with all your strength, love your neighbor as yourself. It’s all about love. It’s all about involving yourself in your community and trying to the best of your ability to love everybody in the community. That’s what we try to do here at St. Augustine.
It is very important to try to figure out in this week of elections, who you are voting for. Most important I hope that you will vote and vote for those you feel will really love and be concerned with the less fortunate. Amen. Alleluia!
Love, Fr. Bob
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