St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Live to love and you’ll love to live.

Pastor’s Pen
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Sixth Sunday of Easter
St. Augustine Catholic Church


Dear Loving Church Family,

This is the day that the Lord has made – Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Alleluia!

A joyous Mother’s Day to all who do mothering and nurturing. This certainly includes all of us and today in the Holy Word we hear Jesus instructing us that whoever “has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me.” He promises us that His Holy Spirit will ”remain with us and will be in us. He will not leave us orphans” (John 14:15-21).  That’s good Easter News! Now all we have to do is run with it, in other words, live it!

A good model that I have in my daily life is: “Live to love and you’ll love to live.” This is probably true for most of us as God’s presence is experienced in and through the people who have loved us and those that we love.  Today you will reflect upon your mother’s love for you and upon all the other people in your life who have nurtured you along the way.  The end result of this is gratitude and appreciation and the feeling that you have been truly blessed and highly favored by God and all those around you.

So let us be like the Apostles in the first reading when they felt so good that their feelings rose to a “fever pitch” (Acts 8:14-17).  So, get in touch with these feelings and  live to love and you’ll love to live.


Fr. Bob

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