Pastor’s Pen
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Times
Jesus, I Trust You. God, Our Father, I Trust You.
God Created Us. God Loves Us. He sent His Son to die for us.
God is Almighty. We pray but we often forget as we are praying the magnificence of God. He created all that is. He created us so that we can live and love with Him in Heaven. That is the reason for our existence.
I have been praying with a number of people who are suffering from cancer. When your life is on the line, it is common for us to think the end is near. How incredible it is to have faith. If we don’t have faith, we have very little. Yes, we might have family and we know they can’t cure us, but God can.
Recently, I have been reading about people who die and have a “near-death experience (NDE)”. Death is not something any of us look forward to. There is an inherent fear about the experience and certainly some deaths are more difficult than others. But here is where the gift of faith and our embrace of it makes our passing much easier. Our last breath on Earth is immediately followed by our first breath in God’s kingdom.
Those who have died and come back (NDE) tell us of how wonderful life in God’s kingdom is. This is where faith and trust in God are so important. Life with God is not something to be feared but rather looked forward to. All of the problems of this life will be gone and replaced by the joys of Heaven forever.
This brings us to the question: Are we ready to meet God? Are we free of Sin? Have we confessed our sins? Are we sorry for our sins? Jesus gave the Apostles the ability to forgive our sins and of course, that is passed on to our priests. We also have the opportunity to pray an Act of Contrition. God is not looking to send us to Hell. He is looking to send us to Heaven. Remember. He loves us and created us to spend Eternal Life with Him. Lord Jesus and God Our Father, send your Spirit upon us that we may always trust in you.
Jesus and God, Our Father, I trust in you.
Deacon Ed
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