St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934


Deacon’s Corner

Dear Fellow Lovers of Christ;

Our Church and our God are under attack both from without and within.  We must always remember that our Faith and Love of God are dependent upon us maintaining communication with God.  God sent us His only Son.  If you are reading this, you already believe that Jesus is the Son of God.  He died for our sins.  He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven.  In Heaven He waits for us who believe in Him to join Him.  We as believers are on that faith journey.  We have entered into a blinding snow storm.  The devil and his effects on mankind are trying to prevent us from achieving our goal.  Our goal of course is unity with God.  Our navigation through these storms are Faith and Prayer.  Trust in the Trinity, trust in the Holy Family, trust in the Angels and Saints.  The Faith and accompanying inner knowledge of the presence of God in our lives is our anchor and our guide.  The message St. Faustina was given by Jesus was simply, “Jesus, I TRUST IN YOU”.  Jesus and His Mother will get us through it all.  So I say, pray for peace, pray for strength, pray for our Church, and know that our Creator loves us and will get us through this storm.


With Love,


Deacon Ed


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