Dear Church Family,
Emmanuel means the Lord is with us. This is a Sacred Word in our readings today. It again reminds us of the atmosphere we created in this church and in our spiritual journeys. The Lord is near all the more! Enjoy that God is not only with us but He dwells within us and He loves us totally. During the week I say, “Merry Christmas” to people, but I then say if I have time, “I don’t just wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish that Jesus is central in your life and that He is so special to you that you are in union with Him and you are trying to grow in a deeper union as you recognize Him not only as a little baby coming into the world but as a magnificent God entering your whole being. Then you rejoice with the great feeling that the Lord is totally present to you.”
On this fourth week of Advent hear this message. Sometimes I tell people also that I am posting in my spiritual life, that I am all the more enjoying the Sacraments especially Holy Communion. I am enjoying more and more wanting to offer Mass every day. I have really enjoyed celebrating the Sacrament of Healing and the Sacrament of Reconciliation which is also healing of the things that really matter. So, we have celebrated those sacraments and you are now on your way to this wonderful atmosphere that has been created for our God is Emmanuel, God with us. Keep growing in your Advent journey to a closer, closer union with God. Especially, becoming all the more present to you in prayer, Sacred Scripture and in Holy Communion. Alleluia!
Love, Fr. Bob
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