Pastor’s Pen – Sunday
Sunday of Divine Mercy, April 23, 2023
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Dear Church Family,
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, all is mercy today, Church, as we say, Lord have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy on me and all of your children. Jesus comes with a message in the three scripture readings and the responsorial psalm to just proclaim mercy. “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love is everlasting. Let the House of Israel say, ‘His mercy endures forever.’ Let the House of Aaron say, ‘His mercy endures forever.’ Let those who fear the Lord say, ‘His mercy endures forever’.” Thomas goes on to say, “We were pressed and were falling, but the Lord helped me. You are my strength and my courage and you are our Savior.” So, we shout out with victory: “Alleluia!”
The first reading from Acts says the resurrected brothers and sisters’ attitude was founded in the early Church. They were filled with awe and just wanted to share in common whatever they had. They wanted to meet together, just as we like to meet together on Sunday, especially to pray with one another and enjoy being together. That is what Church is all about.
Then we hear St. Peter’s letter proclaiming great mercy. Our Lord has given us a new birth, a living hope, an inheritance, and an imperishable, undefiled, unfading crown of victory and salvation. So for the next fifty days, dear church, “You are resurrected people and Alleluia is your word.” Enjoy that word and say it joyfully and often during the next 50 days. Again, as you look around, observe little moments of Resurrection from the budding beauty of nature and from the blessings of people and their lives that proclaim Resurrection. Keep up that spirit! We are God’s Easter People. Enjoy today’s wonderful feelings of awesome mercy. God will always forgive us as we start anew. Amen. Alleluia!!
Love, Father Bob
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