Pastor’s Pen
A Word from Fr. Bob
Dear Church Family,
As you can see Fr. Bob is wearing rose or pink-colored vestments to symbolize Laetare Sunday which means rejoice. We are rejoicing today and proclaiming one of my favorite passages of scriptures. You have this little passage memorized also, “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son, so that everyone that believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God is so good all the time! All the time God is good! We enjoy in this passage as we celebrate one of the seven Sacraments, significantly today after the proclamation of the Good News, that our God loves us totally and wants to be the center of our lives. We pray for healings in anyway in mind, spirit or body. A lot of times we think of our body being in need of healing but our minds, attitudes, feelings toward others that we have a pure heart and peaceful spirit. If we don’t have it, we try to keep growing and you can certainly pray for anointing for your mind fixed totally on peace and love in Jesus with everybody in your life. That sounds like a real blessing. So pray all week long for continual healing for anybody that’s been anointed today. Praise God.
Now we see even the Israelite people being brought by God’s mercy through a king that is not of the Jewish background, King Cyrus of Persia. He wants to bring people back from the Babylonian captivity of 70 years. What a tragedy and now after all the things the Hebrew people have done wrong. It is recorded in our 1st reading that King Cyrus comes as an agent of God and straightens things out and rebuilds the temple and rebuilds their lives.
Then we see in the 2nd reading, mercy, mercy for God is rich in mercy and He saved us through our faith. By accepting Him totally as our Lord and Savior, this is a gift of God and it doesn’t come from any good deeds that we do or any merit that we try to accomplish but just come as pure gift. We celebrate that as we celebrate that God just loves us totally. Keep growing in that spirit today and all week long. Pray for those who are in need of healing in anyway.
Next week we will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so we are totally at peace with our wonderful God as we grow in our Lenten practices. Keep them up. Rejoice a little today because that’s the spirit that we want to start off with. Praise God!
Love, Fr. Bob
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