St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Getting Our Ducks In Order

Dear Church Family


Fairly often I say in the spirit of humor, “I have to get my ducks in order”.  We see the little ducks and ducklings, always in order.  There is a beautiful getting of your ducks in order when we hear of Solomon taking God’s invitation to ask for whatever he wants.  Would it be wealth or a long healthy life or death of his enemies.  But he asks for wisdom.  He asks to know how to handle life.  In other words, to have his ducks in order.  Then we hear in the gospel that Jesus assures us that if we seek first the kingdom of God in our hearts then everything else in our lives falls in its appropriate place.  Our ducks are in order.  So, enjoy all the more this week, putting your “ducks in order” if they need be.



Fr. Bob

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