Dear Church Family,
I again quote from Fr. Art Cavitt, “So, what you gonna do?” In the Scriptures today the Lord is telling us through Isaiah that great joy shall come to us because of victory with the Lord. Jesus keeps emphasizing, “the kingdom of God is at hand.” We pray in the Our Father prayer, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” So our kingdom is on earth and there is rejoicing when we turn our lives over to being on the road of journeying closer to the Lord by our deep desire to be prayerful and by expressing that spirituality in loving others. People will come around and see that we are moving in a good direction. “So, what you gonna do?” I answered that question by just staying joyful because joy has been given to me and being prayerful because I have a desire of a deeper union with the Lord. Then I am challenged to give my life in love and concern for others. All this certainly seems to me to be the kingdom of God is now. Alleluia!
Love, Fr. Bob
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