St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934


Dear Church Family,

Forgive!  Forgive!  Forgive!  The Sacred Word today is all about forgiveness and learning how to reconcile with one another and keep moving on in life without bitterness or resentments and trying to be at peace with everyone.  That’s our challenge to forgive seventy-times-seven as our Lord over emphasize the importance of forgiving.  Even in this first reading from the ancient Jewish Literature, the book of Sirach says, “Overlook faults.”  What a wonderful way to live.  To just take people as they are.  A lot of times you can’t change anyone, just love them and keep moving on.

So, Church Family, how can we go wrong if we hear the Sacred Word today?  Our life is all about forgiving, starting over and keeping ourselves centered on Jesus and His love.  Paul proclaims a very important passage of the way we should live. “None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself.  For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.”  We are the Lord’s and if we are filled with the spirit of love and forgiveness and moving on to a better relationship with other people, we are in kingdom living right now.

So, celebrate your kingdom living and move through any resentments and struggles you have with other folks.  Once this is done, we pray that the world and its leaders can do the same.  Alleluia!


Love, Fr. Bob


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