St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Encourage your hearts

Pastor’s Pen
November 6, 2022
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Augustine Catholic Church


My Dear Church Family,

As I celebrate my 84th  birthday, my 85th year of living in the Lord. I am encouraged to respond to the people that I meet when they ask me, “How are you doing?”  I am telling them, “I am celebrating my spiritual life again this year as I journey along with the Lord.”  Today, I would like to challenge you to do something very positive that each of us should be doing regularly. I am asking you to enjoy your spiritual life, especially your prayer life. As you reflect on this, be encouraged by St. Paul’s words, “Encourage your hearts.”  so, we encourage our own hearts by talking to the Lord about how we are doing in our prayer life. It is something to be celebrated. It is something to be aware of and to do more and more. Alleluia!

I have just returned from my annual retreat, and it was certainly very refreshing and uplifting to my spirit, mind, and body. I was able to borrow a cabin in the woods, stay there morning, noon, and night, and join in spiritual fellowship with other people. However, I especially miss the friendship and companionship of my good priest buddy, Fr. Don Buhr who has crossed over to the kingdom.  He and I had gone on retreats for more than 50 years. I know I was truly blessed to have had a soulmate with whom I was able to enjoy and share this spiritual time with the Lord each.

While I was there, one day I would dedicate my prayers to my relationships with the Father. The next day to the Son; then to the Holy Spirit, and then to Mother Mary; and finally, to my awesome gift given to me through the priesthood for 58 years. This gift is the awesome challenge of spreading the Good News in the ministry as I continue to tell people how I am celebrating my prayer life, my spiritual union with the Lord, and encouraging them to do the same. So how can I go wrong? How can YOU go wrong, if that is what you feel challenged to do as you reflect on these words, I share with you? Alleluia!!


Father Bob

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