St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934

Emmanuel-God is with us

My Dear Church Family,

Celebration of thought from Father Bob as we enter the fourth Sunday of Advent prayer….. Even as we enter the busyness and the sharing of the Christmas baskets, which by the way went very nicely. We had the most difficult weather conditions that I can remember. With the help of our St. Vincent de Paul here, St Augustine Wellston Center and the Father Bob’s Outreach cast of thousands, we were able to touch almost 5,000 families with prayer, help, and joy. So I can now say that that ‘busyness’ got in the way of my celebrating the daily Advent scripture readings the way I suggested to you a couple of weeks ago (smile), but I’m not doing too bad now because for these next few days I am celebrating Emmanuel-God is with Us as proclaimed in the first reading from Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew. I’m just feeling good, spiritual thoughts of your God and my God being really a human being and with us in all that humanness. These feelings help me enjoy my desire for a deeper union with the Lord and with one an-other. So, I suggest to all of you, these next couple of days, that you just keep repeating in your idle thoughts the word Emmanuel-God is with us. That my brothers and sisters is “AWESOME!!”


Fr. Bob


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