Pastor’s Pen St. Augustine Catholic Church Sunday, May 28, 2023 Pentecost Sunday Dear Church Family, Here we are at last at the very challenging beginning of the Church of St. Louis. We are one of the 170+ church families in the archdiocese. With the shortage of priests and being burdened with a large number of […]
Archive | Pentecost
Pastor’s Pen St. Augustine Catholic Church Sunday, May 23, 2021 Pentecost Sunday Come, Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of thy love. Send forth thy Spirit and they shall be created, and they shall renew the face of the earth. My Brothers and Sisters, Today we […]
Gifts of the Spirit
Pastor’s Pen Dear Church Family, The pastor is going to have a little different sermon on this Sunday on the Feast of Pentecost as I want to proclaim the power of God’s holy spirit working in each one of us as we continue our journey to closer and closer union with the Lord. That’s our […]
You are filled with God’s Spirit and how do you manifest that this week
Pastor’s Pen PENTECOST SUNDAY A Word from Fr. Bob Dear Family of God, Excitement!!! You are there in the upper room, imagine and picture that in your mind. All of a sudden you are observing the apostles who are fearful, feeling a strong, driving, noisy wind. It is filling the whole upper room […]
Pentecost Sunday 2017
In today’s scripture, the apostles receive the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity who is often treated like the forgotten man. An analogy I like to use refers to Christmas. Terry and I have hosted Christmas Eve dinner and presents for the entire family for about 40 years. Before us, my mother […]
Dear Church Family, The Great Feast of Pentecost is our God sending His love to us through the Holy Spirit. Somehow I am trying to imagine the Father loving the Son and the Son loving the Father and love is so powerful and special in challenging. Because of this love somehow I want to realize […]