Pastor’s Pen
A word from—Fr. Bob
Dear Church Family,
An anointing on your Lenten spiritual journey for that deeper union with the Lord. But first today all of you, church family, and many, many friends who have gone out of their way with special efforts to share in helping us help so many, many people all year long, especially at Christmas time. We were successful in helping probably 4,500 families in some way. The amount doesn’t make much difference except that all of us today want to give thanks –special thanks for the victory—this little victory that is ours with the help of the Lord in helping so many people. As St Paul says today, “Thanks be to God who gives you the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.” So, church family, all of you, as St. Paul continues to say, “Be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord” (and that is all of our outreach efforts) “and knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” So we celebrate today thanksgiving for every effort, everybody’s special effort during this past year. This is a good way to start our Lenten journey just knowing that all of us are called to be most thankful for all the blessings. Thanks for coming and giving praise to God for the victory that is ours in Jesus. Alleluia!!
Love, Fr. Bob
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