St. Augustine Catholic Church     314-385-1934


Dear Church Family,

I write this Pastor’s Pen on Ascension Thursday which our Church changed to Ascension Sunday, coming up this Sunday and this is the last day of the Easter Paschal Season.  Next week we will celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit in a deeper and more powerful way into our lives.  Ascension says, “It’s done!”  Jesus ascends body and soul and spirit to the Eternal Kingdom.  Since he had a body, I’m thinking that we are going to be sent body and soul to the kingdom forever.  So, it is our victory someday.  We know that crossing over time will be celebrated by us.  So, it is good to be blessedly assured that all is well, especially for us who have our mind and hearts steadily on Jesus.

Look at the Ascension window in our church.  I think You know which one that is—it’s my favorite and it’s probably the most beautiful and biggest window on the east side by the choir.  It is just a beautiful sign of hope.  Just like the angels were saying to the apostles, “Why are you looking up?  Jesus is gone!”  And then basically saying, “Get busy!”  We do get busy because we feel victory is ours.  It is a good feeling to enjoy Jesus assuring us of a victory like He had.  Alleluia!

Now I want to tell you about our first church family member from the community, Mrs. Vyrl Brown, who just crossed over at the age of 96.  She was a delightful, spirit-filled woman of God, needless to say with a certain amount of difficulties in her life.  I am celebrating her homegoing on Wednesday, June 5 at 3 o’clock at Granberry Mortuary, 8806 Jennings Station Road, 63136 with the wake at 2 o’clock.  Vyrl had an indominable spirit of loving the Lord and you could really make her happy if you sent or gave her a stuffed animal.  She had a whole room full of stuffed animals!  We just compliment her dear sister Doris, who took care of her in her senior, declining years.  She was on hospice and had a chance to really enjoy her senior years.  God bless you all and let’s just look forward to Pentecost and going out there to do whatever we can to be enthusiastic about our faith!  Amen!  Alleluia!



Fr. Bob

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