Pastor’s Pen
Dear Church Family,
Today we begin a new year in the church. We begin Advent which is a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am ready on this Unity Sunday as we come together to praise our wonderful God, to grow in community and celebrate our journey together. So, let’s fill ourselves with the Advent spirit.
During the first two weeks of Advent, we look to the future. The scriptures teach us about the second coming of Jesus Christ. We are asked to prepare our hearts for the time when He will come with power and glory. We are encouraged to wait joyfully until He returns.
Only during the final two weeks do we turn our attention to the birth of Christ. This remembering is our hope and assurance that He will return as He promised. God sent His, Son, into the world once, according to His promise, so we can be assured that Jesus Christ will return according to His promise.
Jeremiah gives a message of hope to the people of Jerusalem who are in exile that soon and very soon there will be the coming of peace and the restoring of the land to justice and peace for all. He uses the words “safe and secure” and we say that because we lean on the everlasting arms.
Then St. Paul says in the second reading: “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all.” Dear Church Family, that’s a good way to prepare for the coming of the Lord and let you overflow with an attitude of love for all. Again it fits in with all the spiritual thoughts that have been presented to us this past month.
Therefore, we can say that our Advent Beatitudes are Advent Attitudes. Blessed are we who are vigilant; blessed are we who are willing to wait, long and be still; blessed are we who want to always be prepared, always be ready, always longing for you, Lord, to come into our lives. Blessed are we who want to watch and just be aware of great and little acts of love in our daily lives; blessed are we who have a lot of faith that leads us to hope. Thank you, Lord, for letting us have these wonderful Advent Beatitudes. Reflect on one attitude per day. Live the Advent, spirit with me these next 23 days and then Christmas will have so much more meaning. Alleluia.
P.S. Remember certificates for baskets will be available today, Sunday, December 2 after Mass. Baskets must be picked up on Sunday, December 9 at Covenant House, 1-3pm at Maffit and Kingshighway. Please limit yourself to no more than five certificates. Please bring the name and address of those receiving baskets when you get a certificate.
Love, Fr. Bob
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